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While you are here please browse the other pages of our website so you can learn more about Willie’s programs that support orphans and provide meals to feed displaced families and the homeless.

Please consider making a donation and supporting Willie by following him on social media.


Stand With Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

willie with the orphans in boyorka ukraineThere are now over 7 million children who are in danger. #standwithukraine

Help willie support orphans
Feeding the Hungry

Yoriko helps hand out food to homeless and displaced Venezuelan familiesWillie’s #FeedTheStreet program provides food to displaced families and the homeless.

Recent Photos

We are providing children with needed supplies.
Together, we can assist those in crisis.
Let's not wait until this is at our doorstep.

You can also show your support
by following Willie on social media