willie with the hooters girls in port richey

Ending the year at Hooters

We stopped by Hooters Port Richey in  Florida at the end of December 2013. The beautiful weather on their waterfront patio along with their friendly service and great food made this the perfect end to an eventful year.

A little history: Hooters is a restaurant chain that started in Clearwater, Florida and celebrated its thirty year anniversary in 2013. It was an idea dreamed up by six friends with no previous restaurant experience that wanted to create a space where they could get their favorite “manly finger foods” and listen to 50’s and 60’s music. Obviously, the employment of a wait staff primarily made up of young, attractive women wearing skimpy uniforms became their hook. To read more about the history of Hooters Port Richey click here.

Here’s a fun Hooters video that we wanted to share 😛

Yoriko gives a meal to a Venezuelan family in Medellin Colombia
The Price of Bread

March 8, 2019

willie in ukraine with the orphans
The Magic Dog

February 5, 2018

willie takes the orhans to a soccer game in medellin
Soccer for a dozen

July 10, 2016


Stand With Ukraine 🇺🇦

willie with the orphans in boyorka ukraineThere are now over 7 million children who are in danger. #standwithukraine

Help willie support orphans
Feeding the Hungry

Yoriko helps hand out food to homeless and displaced Venezuelan familiesWillie’s #FeedTheStreet program provides food to displaced families and the homeless.

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